these should be the ones!

Especially given that I read a massive amount of books annually it’s quite thrilling when I accidentally get my hands on a truly brilliant writing – each one of which I would call the reading experience of the year. Here are 5 from the last 365 days:

1. Malcolm Gladwell: Ourliers – The Story of Success

A paper-based genius course that tells you what it takes to succeed, apart from being born in the right place at the right time – great news: practice and the ability to transform your inherited mindset can make a big difference.

2. Kelly McGonigal: Willpower Instinct

Why, despite all your good intentions, your desire for instant gratification is stronger than your desire for long-term happiness – and how you can outsmart evolution in your everyday life (and a hundred other essential lessons).

3. Ryan Holiday: The Obstacle is the Way

On re-reading it a third time, it still shocks me how easy it is (or rather would be) to live well by good principles. Through the examples of many famous people, the book teaches you how to embrace the philosophy of Stoicism in your everyday life: only focus on what is within your power to change (and be clear about what isn’t).

4. Dean Burnett: The Idiot Brain

In an extremely entertaining style he unveils the workings of the brain, explaining such things as intelligence, anxiety and personality, and dispels massive misconceptions.

5. Robert Seethaler: A Whole Life

A short work of fiction in the end: in perfect, clear language, it is a lonely life in the Austrian Alps, a life that is both clear and somehow painfully perfect.

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