
We help you level up

This is Recogna’s flagship training, because we are convinced that individual happiness lies in our personal systems that serve us well, and that these are always based on our habit systems and the values they reflect.


  • the role of habits and automatisms in personal effectiveness, happiness and satisfaction,
  • why we fail to incorporate certain habits – reasons and solutions,
  • techniques for effective and sustainable habit formation,
  • processes rather than goals,
  • managing failure, starting again.


As a result of the workshop and follow-up work, participants will

  • be able to identify a 4-step action plan for successful habit formationand use it actively,
  • become aware of the most common reasons that sabotage success and
  • get tools to overcome these,
  • master the most effective mindset for forming good habits,
  • review and, if necessary, adapt their mindset on the subject.

The workshop will look at

  • where we are now in terms of awareness and planning in different areas of our lives,
  • which areas of our lives are characterised by a growth or a fixed mindset,
  • the role of goals – our individual goals in the light of the steps we take to achieve them – what is important now and what is important in the long term,
  • what is the number of goals that can realistically be set at any one time, and how best to focus on them.


As a result of the workshop and follow-up work, participants will

  • become more precise in thegoal-settingprocess, and as a result
  • build more effectivesystems
  • takehome a practicaltoolkittohelpthem “de-clutter” and maketheirdailylives more efficient.

Assertiveness is defined as communicating and expressing your thoughts, feelings and opinions in a way that makes your views and needs clearly understood by others without disparaging their thoughts, feelings or opinions. However, to communicate effectively, it is not enough to communicate your needs adequately at the level of words – it is also important to support the process with your whole attitude. During the workshop, I will help you to carry out this complex task in the best possible way with great situational exercises, techniques and lots of questions that participants will ask themselves.

  • assertive communication techniques
  • self-perception
  • patterns of behaviour to avoid
  • sensitisation and desensitisation
  • who is right?:)
  • perceiving your own patterns
  • mirror effect


During and as a result of the workshop, participants will

  • examine their own communication patterns and identify areas for change,
  • become aware of the situations that hinder assertiveness,
  • learn techniques for more effective self-communication,
  • practise techniques and attitudes that work for them in typical personal and workplace situations,
  • become more confident in important communication situations.

There are many situations in the life of a team where it can be useful to have an external actor involved to take a look at the current situation and processes: when a team is forming, when new colleagues arrive, when there is a change of leadership, during major structural changes (mergers, diversifications) or even in the case of long-term strategic partner projects. This double workshop has been successfully used to oil processes within a team or between two teams.

  • management, responsibility
  • autonomy and teamwork
  • influencing
  • how I make decisions as a team member


As a result of the fun and (sometimesJ) playful training, participants will

  • look at and analyse their own role within the team,
  • look at each other and themselves in sharp decision situations,
  • identify their own team’s strengths and blind spots,
  • become aware of the importance of expectations in the relationships between the different actors
  • strengthen team cohesion.

Conflict is an unavoidable part of our lives, but it is also a task that, if well resolved or managed, can teach us a lot about ourselves and others, and makes us much better at managing our personal and professional lives. This great double workshop will help you do just that.

  • self-awareness: situations we love and dislike
  • how game theory helps
  • when it pays off to avoid/compete etc.
  • typical conflict situations and possible resolution strategies


The workshop targets a number of areas. Participants will

  • see how they behave in conflict situations,
  • with the help of the trainer, decipher which conflict management strategy can bring the desired reults to the table,
  • become more aware of their own roles and coping mechanisms,
  • become more accepting of the other’s point of view,
  • gain tools to shape their approach to conflict and influence the outcome.

The demonisation of stress is a viewpoint that has been refuted by recent research in behavioural science – a series of studies prove that stress, used well, makes us stronger, smarter and more successful, as well as inspiring empathy and courage.

In this exciting workshop

  • we will learn to look at stress in a different way by exploring its benefits and the importance of the right mental attitude,
  • learn a proven 3-step method to transform our response to stress,
  • practise,
  • learn physical techniques to deal effectively with the stress that inevitably comes our way.


As a result of the workshop and follow-up work, participants will

  • becomeabletouse a 3-step method to transform the way they look at stress and improve their physical and mental responses to it,
  • become more aware of how to turn the inevitable stress of everyday life to their own advantage,
  • learn to put stress in to perspective for major life choices and become aware of other factors to make more balanced decisions.

Of course, everyone has both a growth and a fixed mindset in them, and how someone relates to a given area of their life from this perspective varies from person to person. But here, as with so many other issues, awareness and looking at our own patterns is one of the most important steps we can take towards a happier life. This is why in the workshop

  • we explore the elements and benefits of the two approaches through case studies,
  • fill in a short questionnaire to see where we stand on the growth-fixed scale at this moment,
  • we will look at how we would respond to certain situations at this stage of our lives, and to what extent this attitude helps or hinders our personal or professional satisfaction and happiness.


As a result of the workshop and follow-up work, participants will

  • becomeabletoidentifyareaswheretheyarehinderedby a fixedmindset and
  • aregiventoolstodevelop a growthmindset,
  • build more effectivesystems
  • takehome a practicaltoolkittohelpthem “de-clutter” and maketheirdailylives more efficient.

In the workshop we will use a rich toolbox to help participants to most effectively stop procrastination that makes life difficult for so many of us. Together we will

  • examine participants’ individual attitudes to procrastination,
  • shed light on the evolutionary, emotional and neurobiological background of procrastination,
  • suggest solutions to address specific types of procrastination using concrete and proven techniques,
  • doexperiential work and practise the techniques – with a strong emphasis on after-course exercises.


As a result of the workshop and follow-up work, participants will

  • becomeaware of theirownproblemareas,
  • take away individual tools to deal with procrastination more  effectively,
  • go through and practise working mental steps to tackle procrastination.

“The intelligent desire self-control, the child wants candy” – the 13th century poet-philosopher Rumi was already aware of the importance of self-control and willpower for individual happiness, and how this “mental muscle” can become tired with use. However, we do have the means to make this muscle more fit.

In the willpower course

  • we will look at what good willpower is based on,
  • we will make you aware that the way we look at this topic is also of great importance,
  • what works against willpower and how we can decide the battle in the right direction,
  • why self-knowledge is important in the process and how to ‘catch the moment’ when we can still do something against losing self-control in a given situation,
  • what is the “form of training” that best helps to strengthen the willpower muscle.


As a result of the workshop and follow-up work, participants will

  • learn techniques to strengthen their willpower,
  • work through a way to overcome an individual difficulty of their choice,
  • see where they usually fail in their private “willpowertests” and gather tools to avoid this,
  • set about transforming their approach where necessary.

Awareness-raising workshop

We rarely explore how the psychological nature of our work or our profession affects our ‘private’ personality – how we are made as friends, fathers or wives if, in the course of our daily work, we often meet tipsy people (sommelier), communicate with anxious clients (debt collection expert) or even optimistic, hopeful couples (childcare consultant). But the psychological imprint of our profession is also strongly reflected in our personalities, and it is worth looking at this from time to time.

At the workshop we will have the opportunity

  • to examine what characterises our work from a psychological perspective,
  • to see how our mindset reflects the attitudes that our profession demands of us,
  • to look at which personality traits our profession has tended to weaken in us, so that we can pay a bit more attention to them in the future, if we wish (to this end we’ll use an excellent personality test).


  • theinstinctiveelements of makingdecisions,
  • theregulationof spontaneity in ourdecisions,
  • thedrivers of ourindividual and work-relateddecisions,
  • howdecisionsare made (theneurobiological and psychologicalbackground of decision-making),
  • biasesasinfluencers of decisions – game: discoveringourownbiasesbehindourdecisions,
  • casestudies – let’sexperimenttogether
  • thepower of intuition,
  • therole of willpower and self-discipline in decision-making.


As a result of the workshop and follow-up work, participants will

  • become more aware of the driving forces behind their own decisions,
  • be more confident to rely on their intuition to make better decisions,
  • recognise when it makes sense to be spontaneous in their decision-making,
  • learn how to put observation at the service of decisions.

It may seem surprising to include play and playfulness in such a serious list of topics, but that is only until you look at what science says. Neurobiology now considers regular play to be the best tool to foster neuroplasticity, and therefore a fundamental building block of an individual’s effectiveness. What the workshop examines:

how play as an activity develops the brain,

  • what counts as a game/form of movement that can be used for the purpose (spoiler: dancing and football are among them),
  • what the link is between working out emergency scenarios and playing for fun,
  • what our personal game identity is.

It’s no coincidence that personal effectiveness gurus swear that the regular practice of gratitude has contributed much to their success. What is true for the training on playing is also true for this session: you should not expect a spiritual journey here, because we are looking at the practice and rewards of gratitude on a strictly neuroscientific basis. The course will include

  • talking about the right way to practise gratitude so that we can really enjoy its benefits (we’ll tell you: it’s not the gratitude list),
  • discussing the role of stories in practising gratitude,
  • looking in detail at what we can get from expressing gratitude in physical, mental and spiritual terms.

or literature is a game

This workshop differs from the others in that it is not a classic developmental workshop but rather a light-hearted fun session that falls more into the category of team building. As a bonus, it also makes participants better at presenting their own narratives.

What will the team get from this session?

  • lots of fun, surprising stories on and by our famous writers and poets, or: how Karinthy or Arany passed the time when they weren’t writing our topics for our graduation exams,
  • lots of games with words, ideas – how Kosztolányi would have figured out modern office life,
  • a clever quiz,
  • greater confidence in how to present a story in a way that elevates us as well as our audience,
  • a lot of information and interesting facts that we didn’t know about each other in the team, strengthening team cohesion.
MINDSET WORKSHOP with a sports coach

Motivational workshop with running coach / ironman Nelli Szántó

Nelli’s workshop can inspire you from many directions: through her personal stories she provides motivation to overcome everyday obstacles, but also very practical life and physical directions depending on what you need – either as an individual or as a leader.

There is certainly talk of

  • how to experience lifestyle goals in a planned, challenging way,
  • how you sometimes fail and how you can get up from it,
  • how to successfully fill the void that naturally comes after achieving a big goal.

If you need it, the session can be complemented with a practical running/movement workshop, and we’re not afraid to bring it all inside the walls of the room either (with an interpreter).


with photographer Tímea Hajdrák

Photography is a unique way of combining self-discovery and creation. Whether you’re taking a selfie or capturing the world around you, you’re conveying a point of view and an opinion – also about yourself.

In this highly engaging training workshop, Tímea will explore the following topics with participants:

  • what photography can offer,
  • the smartphone as a tool for self-expression,
  • compositional exercises with mobile phone, golden ratio,
  • photographic tricks, ideal lighting conditions,
  • taking and analysing selfies and portraits,
  • speciality: the camera obscura and its visual world.

The workshop does not require any technical skills, if you have ever held a phone in your hands you will enjoy it, but it will also offer a lot of new information for those who are pro photographers (with an interpreter).

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